Tonight is the night. Well, day, if you're in China.
Joshua will have a family in less than an hour. I am in AWE of God right now.
Like on the verge of ugly crying. It's that wonderful.
Today in CRAVE U, the lovely, now braces-less Brian Word talked about humility and coming to the throne of God with such an attitude. He also discussed sin.
I must say, sin sucks. No fun. Booooooo Satan.
But all students in the class were given the opportunity to get on our faces before God.
The message translates a verse (which slipped my mind, and is going to bother me for the rest of my life) "Get on your knees before the Lord; it is the only way you can get on your feet."
Or something like that.
I am excited to say that I cleared a lot of things up with the Lord this morning. I prayed for sweet Joshua, and as soon as I exited the doors of my class, a girl hands me $20 for the FTLOT ministry. Praise God for her sweet heart. Another little girl who just entered the youth group (6th grader, might I add) made some pretty amazing jewelry to sell for the ministry. My heart was overflowing with happiness and gratefulness for their hearts. A girl told me that she told her teacher about the whole orphan ministry and her class was praying for me. Glory. To. God. I am sitting here typing this blog post with tears in my eyes. I am seeing the face of Jesus
The life of Jesus
The love of Jesus in all of these sweet people who are helping me with this longing. This adamant call to help the least of these. To LOVE on those who have no idea who you are. To care for those who need it oh, so much more than we do.
God calls us to be servants. This is service. I am overwhelmed. Thank you, Jesus. YOU are worthy of praise.
Not me. You and only you.
Details of the next steps of the FTLOT ministry to come.
God bless you all,
Toni Taylor
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